Welcome Back, SCBDA!

Welcome Back, SCBDA! 

As we all begin our journey through the 2024-2025 year, I want to welcome everyone back to reality and heat (both of which many of you started enjoying weeks ago), and I want to thank you for either starting or continuing a career in this field!

Hopefully, you are well underway in your preparations for the coming season, your arranger has finished your show, and your students are ready for the fantastic experience that awaits them.

I hope the year brings you safety, health, happiness, and much musical and personal fulfillment. I want to encourage everyone to take every opportunity to make a difference by stepping up when there is a need on a committee, a staffing opening at one of our events, or just by attending our events and meetings to show support and be active.

As a reminder, please remember to complete and submit your SCBDA Marching Event Registrations by August 16th! We have extended the deadline by a week for schools affected by the remnants of Hurricane Debby in the Lowcountry. STAY SAFE!

Be sure to make plans to attend our Fall Meeting on September 7 at River Bluff High School! It’s a great time to participate in the SCBDA, catch up with each other, and foster new friendships while cultivating old ones!

Here’s to a wonderful season for you, your students, and your communities!! If there is anything I or the Board can do for you, please do not hesitate to let me know.


Leslie Gilreath
SCBDA President