Profile Updates, Registration Reminders, And Save The Date!
Profile Updates, Registration Reminders, And Save The Date!
August 2022 Reminders for SC Band Directors:
Deadline: Marching Band Championships Registration
The last day to apply to perform at the 2022 SCBDA Marching Band Festival/Championships is Friday, August 12, 2022. Just so you know, the PDF generated and e-mailed to users after submitting the online form must be signed and postmarked (or uploaded) by August 12, 2022, to be eligible for the draw. The SCBDA accepts checks and online payments for this registration. If you have a question about the SCBDA Marching Events, please look at the updated handbook found in the Directors Area on Bandlink. Please direct further inquiries to our marching chair, Chris Moss. If you have technical difficulty using the registration form, please e-mail Ryan Tinker.
Deadline: Host App for WE Championships
Are you tired of the August Band Camp Heat and want cooler season thoughts? Consider applying to host the 2023 Winter Ensemble Championships on Saturday, March 4, 2022! Applications are open on Bandlink through Friday, August 26, 2022. Please contact Winter Ensemble chair Tom Padgett with any questions.
Member Profile Update
As we begin the new school year, all our members are encouraged to log in to the website and ensure their member profile is up-to-date for the 2022-2023 academic year. The site uses metadata stored in the profile to autofill certain parts of online registrations and applications. Having this information correct allows for less potential trouble down the road.
I would encourage each of you to upload a photo to your member profile. Each year, we have many new faces to welcome to our organization. Our online member directory area is a helpful place to “put a face to a name,” so to speak.
Save the Date: Fall Meeting
Our annual Fall Meeting will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022. This meeting is an important in-person meeting of the SCBDA as we work to navigate and plan the upcoming school year to provide rewarding experiences for our member directors and students. Please mark your calendars now to save the date for this event.