Survey: 2018 Winter Ensemble Championships
The SCBDA Executive Board requests feedback from schools attending (or considering attendance) at the 2018 Winter Ensemble Championships on Saturday, March…
The SCBDA Executive Board requests feedback from schools attending (or considering attendance) at the 2018 Winter Ensemble Championships on Saturday, March…
Sponsored by the Carolina Flute Guild, a day-long workshop featuring masterclasses for flutists in junior, clinic, and senior levels at…
A letter from SCBDA President, Leah Cordé.
The following is posted for members of the South Carolina Band Director Association, with permission from the Executive Board, with an…
In 2017, the membership of the South Carolina Band Directors Association approved a proposal to start an All-State Jazz Combo…
Applications to present at the 2018 SCMEA Conference are now being accepted by the SCBDA.
Marching Registration, Host Winter Ensemble Championship Application, SCMEA Performing Ensemble Application (last call!), and 2018 All-State/Region Solos
The official calendar of events for the SCBDA was approved at Saturday’s Executive Board Meeting. Click Here to download the…
Information about the 16th Annual Summer Jazz Experience at Southern Wesleyan University in June 2017.
Information and Registration information for the 2017 Furman University Band & Orchestra Camp