Important information regarding director accounts on SC Bandlink and NAfME membership status:
The South Carolina Band Directors Association, with the support of the South Carolina Music Educators Association (SCMEA) and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), recently developed an Application Programing Interface (API) for Bandlink.

Directors, this API validates your NAfME membership status when you login to your Bandlink account. Only directors with active NAfME memberships will be allowed to login to SC Bandlink. Per SCBDA Bylaws, directors must be a member of NAfME and the SCMEA to qualify for membership in the SCBDA. Bandlink member accounts are for current and retired members of the SCBDA.
How Does This Help Me?
Submitting a copy, or uploading a digital image of your NAfME card, is no longer required for online event registrations, nominations, or applications.
What Else Do I Need To Know?
In the past, some members have inadvertently submitted registrations/participated in events while their NAfME membership has lapsed. With this new API, it will not be possible to access our online registration area without an active NAfME membership. Please be mindful to not let your NAfME membership lapse before you need to submit a registration.
Directors with inquiries regarding this process, or assistance with troubleshooting their account should contact Ryan Tinker.