Click Here to download the 2024-2025 SCBDA Calendar in PDF form. (as of 7/2/2024)

- This event has passed.
5A State Marching Band Championship
November 6, 2021
W. C. Hawkins Stadium
Irmo High School, Columbia, South Carolina
Clear Bag Policy
The host school district has instituted a clear bag policy for events being held in the stadium and SCBDA will be enforcing this policy at our event.
Handicapped & Spectator Parking
Handicapped parking will be available directly in front of Irmo High School. All parking lots are free and are marked on the campus map. They are located next to the stadium, directly across the street from Irmo High School, at Irmo Middle School on Wescott Road, and at Crossroads Intermediate School on St. Andrews Road. We discourage parking on side streets as tow-away zones are enforced.
A full line of concession food items will be available.
General admission tickets will be on sale at a cost of $10.00 for adults, $6.00 for students. Children 3 and under, NAfME members and administrators with SC High School League Passes with proper identification will be admitted free at the gate. There will be chaperone and pit crew wristbands provided in the director’s packet at the check-in tent. Additional wristbands can be purchased at band check-in.
Souvenir Programs
Souvenir programs for the event will be available and in the stadium area at a cost of $5.00 each.
Video recording of preliminary and finals performances is strictly prohibited. Videos are available and for sale in the stadium concourse area. Still camera photos will be allowed and can be taken from the spectator area of the stands. Please do not take still photos from the field. Each band director will receive a complimentary recording of their band’s performance(s).