Title Composer/Arranger Publisher Copyright Grade
Africata Hilliard FJH 2002 2
After A Gentle Rain Iannaccone Shawnee 5
After the Battle Romeyn Birch Island 2007 3
After the Storm Jonathan McBride C. L. Barnhouse 2016 2
Afterburn Standridge Grand Mesa 2009 2
Afterburn Relaunch Randall Standridge Randall Standridge 2023 2
Afterlife Rossano Galante Alfred 2015 5
Afternoon of a Faun Debussy/Walters Leonard 1950 3
Aftershock Larry Clark Carl Fischer 2011 1
Aftershock Larry Clark Carl Fischer 2011 1
Afton Variations Carl Strommen Carl Fischer 2005 3
Age of Discovery Jennings Hal Leonard 2 2
Aggressivo Randall Standridge Grand Mesa Music 2013 2
Agnus Dei Faure/Erickson Belwin POP 4
AHAB! Melillo Stormworks 2 5
Ahtanum Ridge Eggebraten Kjos 1
Air Handel/Osterling Hal Leonard POP 2
Air (Dublinesque) Joel/Lambrecht Hal Leonard 2007 4
Air and Allegro Edmondson Queenwood 1
Air and Allegro Akers Carl Fischer 2
Air and Alleluia Mozart/Kinyon Alfred 2
Air and Bouree Handel/Beeler FOX POP 3
Air and Caprice John Edmondson Queenwood Music 1997 1
Air and Dance Kinyon Alfred 1 2
Air and Finale Handel/Balent Fischer 2 3
Air for Band Erickson Bourne 3
Air for Winds Shelton Ludwig 3
Air Force One Chris M. Bernotas Alfred Music 2011 2
Al Fresco Husa Associated Music 1 6
Alameda Caneva Hal Leonard POP 3