Title Composer/Arranger Publisher Copyright Grade
Cry of the Last Unicorn Rossano Galante Hal Leonard 2011 5
Crystal City Overture Edmondson Barnhouse 2
Crystal Moon Larry Clark Carl Fischer 2004 3
Crystal Mountain Festival Hodges Alfred 1997 2
Crystals Duffy Ludwig 4
Cumberland Cross Strommen Alfred 3
Cumberland Falls Overture Karrick Daehn 2008 3
Cumberland Gap McGinty Queenwood 1
Currents Smith Belwin 2006 4
Curse of Tutankhamun, The Story Belwin 2001 2
Cyclorama McGinty Queenwood 2001 3
Czech Masters Suite Gordon MTE 4
Czech Suite Whear Ludwig 4
Dakota Rhapsody, A Camphouse Kjos 2007 5
Dan River Festival Harbinson Alfred 2
Dance Celebration Robert W. Smith Belwin 2000 1
Dance Movements Sparke Studio P/R 1 Master
Dance Movements (2 movt’s) Sparke Studio P/R 2 6
Dance of the Jesters Tchaikovsky/Cramer Curnow Music Press 1997 5
Dance of the Jesters Tchaikovsky/Cramer Curnow Music Press 1997 5
Dance of the New World Wilson Ludwig 1 5
Dance of the New World Wilson Ludwig 1996 6
Dance of the Tumblers Korsakov/James Curnow Hal Leonard 2012 2
Dance of the Tumblers Rimsky-Korsakov/Vosbein Kjos 6
Dance Rhythms Riegger ASC 5
Dances for Sem Yeto Gary P. Gilroy Wingert-Jones Publication 2010 5
Dances on Trampolines Leslie Gilreath C. Alan Publications 2020 4
Dancing in Air Goto C. Alan 2004 5
Dancing in Rain Yo Goto C. Alan Publications 2009 4
Dancing in the Wind (Kaze No Mai) Yosuke Fukuda Brain Music 2004 5