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All-State Concert & Jazz Band Auditions have moved to the inclement weather date of February 1, 2025.

Call for SCMEA Award Nominations

I hope you all well and enjoying a wonderful fall! As SCMEA Awards Chairman, I wanted to make sure you were aware of a very important deadline that is approaching. The deadline to submit nominations for any SCMEA Award is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2023. Do you know of a student, colleague, administrator, or business that should be recognized? Please visit our website to see the list of awards that SCMEA sponsors.
  • Deborah Smith Hoffman Mentor Award: This award is in recognition of a member of SCMEA who has served as a mentor to music educators in SC.
  • Friend of Music Education Award: This award aims to thank, honor, and recognize a local community member (A parent or other citizen) who has shown exemplary support for their local music education program(s).
  • Friend of Music Education Business Award: This award aims to thank, honor, and recognize a member of the Business Community who has shown exemplary support for local or state-wide music education programs.
  • Hall of Fame Award: To recognize a member for exceptional service to SCMEA and the advancement of music education in the schools of South Carolina.
  • Honor Administrator Award: A PreK-12 administrator selected for this award should actively support the arts, especially music, with financial assistance with programs in local schools. A college administrator should actively support the arts, especially music, through financial assistance with programs, cultural events, and tours by performing groups.
  • Memorial Scholarship Award: A one-time $ 1,000 scholarship for deserving college-bound music students.
  • Outstanding Young Music Educator Award: The purpose of this award is to recognize, honor, and encourage an SCMEA member who has been in the service of teaching from four to seven years for excellence in music education.
Many of these awards often go without nominations, so I encourage you to look at our list of awards and nominate someone who should be recognized. Remember, nominations are due November 10, 2023!
Joe Gulledge
SCMEA Past-President
Awards Chairman